Maverick, aka Bound To Stardom was one amazing horse. Maverick was born on March 4, 1990 and died very peacefully on October 30, 2013.
Maverick came to us just after we bought Sierra Ranch. The previous owner knew he was a TB, and had ridden him some on trails. Her hubby had rodeoed on him, so he knew lots of things. One thing he knew most was that to get people off he would run what he thought was fast. Then he met Amber. She got on him bareback and ran him and laughed. Amber rode Maverick for several years. When She left home it was my turn.

Rick had purposely not had anyone ride Maverick for several weeks. He saddled him and had me ride him around the house. Maverick was tall compared to my old stand by Sarge. But he was so calm and loved having me ride him. Sarge hated riding in the pasture, but Maverick didn’t care. He was so laid back that most folks didn’t really think he was a TB.

Maverick was born in CA in 1990. Somehow he got to Oklahoma, and we are glad for that. Our next door neighbor was a trainer in CA and knew his breeders. We know from riding Mav that he is slow for a race horse. He never raced at all. He was tatooed and that is how we found his real name, but unlike all the other exes, Mav has stuck. Bound for Stardom just doesn’t fit. The vet told me last year he was now considered an old horse. Just something a woman does not want to hear.

Maverick had become the go to lesson horse, since the passing of some of the other go to lesson horses. He had a great attitude and would ride the same with little kids or adults. You had to show him you know how to ride, and then he would perform. Maverick had taken folks on the trail from kids to Viet Nam Vets. He was the same with everyone. Slow and steady until you get the feel and he would then go at a bit more speed.
Maverick is running the green pastures of heaven with other Sierra Ranch, LLC horses that have passed over the rainbow bridge. If you would like to lease or learn to ride on an awesome horse, please contact us!