Life on a ranch is very interesting. Growing your own food and food for your animals can be fun and challenging. This blog has always been about how I am learning to grow more and do more with my land.
I was raised more in the city than in the country, but always had some country aunts, uncles and cousins to go visit. We had gardens growing up from time to time. And I have tried gardening in many of the places I lived before owning the ranch. I grow mostly in containers on the ranch. I will post more on that soon. The picture on the right is one night pickings. I also have chickens and get several eggs a day. I have raised meat chickens and turkeys. And will be posting more on that as well.
In 2017 the pasture had only a few horses on it that summer and we had great rain. The back 20 acres made 89 round bales. This year we haven’t gotten the rain and are hoping to get some hay, but are looking for hay from outside sources. Pasture management is tricky and you are at the mercy of the rain to make great pasture.
If you want to follow along on my journey to become more self-sufficient and learn to live off my land a bit more, subscribe to my newsletter in the box to the right. Monthly emails will go out with updates on how things are progressing. I will talk about what is working and what didn’t so that you can learn what to incorporate in your small homestead.
If there is a topic you would like to learn more about, just visit the contact page and drop me an email. I’d love to hear about your adventures.