Someone asked me one day why this wonderful horse was not on our website. I have been busy working on selling off some horses, so it’s time to get back to adding the ones that will stay around.
This is Corky. He is a 1992 model MFT who was owned by my friend Dawn Hackney. He is retired from riding and had a injury at his last retirement home, so we have let him have a year off. We have recently been riding him to see if the injury will allow him to work a bit and he seems to like giving lessons. We were told that he would never do mountainous trail riding again, but he seems fine with wondering around the pasture.
Corky and New were pastured together when he first came, so usually when you see New you will see Corky.
Want to come take lessons on Corky? Call and set an appointment. 918-607-6094.
We have all the trailers, tack, and safety equipment to teach you everything you need to learn to ride.
Come ride a Champion at Sierra Ranch, LLC!